Pizza with no eggplant – 15 Sept 2012

I had a cute little round eggplant that I wanted to use for this pizza, but when I pulled it out of the fridge, after picking and washing the herbs with which to brush it, I found it was too old, and had gone bad 😦  Very sad.

D had bought me two red peppers and some feta for this pizza, so I went ahead and grilled the peppers and peeled them, and made a pizza without the eggplant. I used perhaps 4 ox (a guess – didn’t weigh) part-skim mozzarella, some thin-sliced red onion, probably a bit more than one of the peppers. maybe 1 1/2 – 2 oz Bulgarian feta, a pile of chipped herbs: lots of marjoram, some rosemary, and some thyme, and lastly, six picholine olives. I usually cook the crust for 1 1/2 mins before loading it up, but the oven was not up to temp and was heating slowly, so I cooked the crust for 2 mins.

In addition, I strewed the thin-cut red onion slices over the crust before pre-cooking, so the onion, which was not as thin as I would have liked, would have more opportunity to cook. Then I added 2/3-3/4 of the grated mozz, the chopped herbs, the peppers, cut into about 3/4 ” squares or so, the olives, carved off their pits into perhaps 6-8 pieces each, the rest of the mozz, and the feta over the top. I cooked another 7 or 8 minutes. It was a good pizza, though some oil at the start or the end might have made it a bit less dry (it was not excessively so in any case).

D brought up a wine we got recently at Costco, and it was excellent! Chateau Liversan – A merlot/cab blend from the Haut-Medoc (2009). We need to get back there and buy a bunch more.

~ by berkeleybarb on 2012/09/15.

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